Dead Mannequins artwork
I’ve had the pleasure of spending quite a bit of time in what’s known as the “morgue” inside the New York Times — a sub-sub basement where old news clippings and photo prints are stored, going back to the 1800s. It’s a magical, magical place for a journalist — or anyone who loves books and history — complete with mouse traps in the corners. It’s run by an equally magical man named Jeff Roth. Some of the old images from the morgue are available for purchase. I loved this shot of stacked up mannequins from a storefront in the Garment District in the 1970s.
Buy Now$169Feminist Fight Club
I wrote this book! It’s a battle manual for fighting sexism at work and it came out six months ago from HarperCollins. It’s basically the book I wish I had when I was starting my career, packed with super practical advice on things like how to negotiate, or what to do when that bro in sales won’t stop interrupting you, but delivered in a way that (I hope) will make you laugh. It’s illustrated by two amazing women, Saskia Wariner and Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell, and it also now exists in newsletter form (and coming soon: a podcast).
Buy Now$15Feminist As Fuck cards
Somebody once told me that every freelancer should have 8 sources of income. Well, one of my (very tiny) sources is this new line of greeting cards I launched with Hilary, the cartoonist I mentioned above. We’ve got you covered for all your feminist greeting card needs.
Buy Now$4.50Mexican Bull Skull
I bought this from a woman on the street in town called Todos Santos in Baja, Mexico, then clumsily transported it back to NYC as a carry-on, wrapped in tons of newspaper. When I got home and opened it, a spider crawled out of the eye socket and I realized it was full of dead maggots. Yum!
Buy Now$50+Rad Necklace
Me and a bestie each have this necklace, which comes from an awesome boutique in the Lower East Side called The Rising States that’s run by a friend of ours from Seattle. It’s a collaboration between she and another local artist, Winden.
Buy Now$185Singles et al
I grew up in Seattle in the 90s, so these albums — along with Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and a few key others — were pretty much my everything during the decade long era of my teen angst years. Like six months ago, I was walking my dog in Brooklyn and these three albums were stacked together sitting on the stoop of an apartment complex down the street. It was clear the grunge Gods had left them for me.
Pussy grabs back t-shirt
You may recognize this image — it’s a meme I co-created on accident after the tape of Trump talking about grabbing women “by the pussy” became public. Short story short: A friend of mine, Amanda Duarte, was so enraged she posted this slogan in all caps to her Facebook page. I took it, put it into a design app on my phone, and we thought we’d created a hilarious inside joke. Within 24 hours, it had been shared thousands of times and everyone was demanding T-shirts. So we partnered with a T-shirt maker, Female Collective, to put the image on a shirt, and donated a portion of the proceeds to RAINN, which helps survivors of sexual assault. It’s also available without the date, since pussy continues to grab back.
He enjoys napping, chewing the eyeballs out of stuffed animals while I work, and jumping on bar stools at our local dog bar, Lucky Dog. He’s also very cuddly.
Polaroid of Mom & Dad
Gotta throw some love to my parents, posed here with me a few months ago in my apartment. They came out from Seattle for my book launch, which was basically the closest thing to a wedding I’ll likely ever have, so they weren’t allowed to miss it. You know how you spend like the first 18 years of your life hating your parents and (at least if you were me) telling them to “leave me alone!”? Turns out mine are really cool! My only regret is not figuring that out sooner.