Public Bicycle
I’ve always dreamed of having a bike with a basket that I could ride down to the farmers market in a summer dress. Public makes really stylish bikes that are lovely to ride. I haven’t made it down to the farmers market yet but I live a few blocks from an art supply store and I can fill my basket with goodies.
Nick Fouquet Hat
I was never a hat person until this year when I discovered some amazing designers. This Nick Fouquet hat is pretty unbeatable. His quality and aesthetic is right up my alley. You put on a good hat and it just transforms you.

Vintage overalls
Im become a bit obsessed with vintage overalls. I’m convinced they are the comfiest things in the world. Yes they are practical to draw in and if you go through my pockets you’ll find pieces of erasers and broken charcoal pencils and that blending nub I’ve been looking for everywhere. Very handy piece of clothing to have around the studio.

General pencils
I remember just a bit over a year ago buying my first General pencil. I had never used charcoal and I had no idea how to correctly sharpen the pencils. So let’s just say I went through them extremely fast. Since then I have learned a few things (thank you internet), and I keep finding myself going back to these. I only use the extra soft as I love the smooth, even, blackest black look.
Buy Now$16Vintage Ukulele
I was a musician for about 7 years in my youth (ha!). I played drums in a punk band for years but always secretly wanted to sing. I would write little songs in my room with my dads guitar. A very good friend of mine who is master with the guitar gave me this little guy and I gotta say I’m kind of in love. It’s nice to have an outlet of creation that I can do when I’m frustrated with drawing and need a break.
Neruda Poetry
I’ve adored Neruda’s poetry for years. The sensuality and rhythm of his words really speaks to me, as I’m sure it does to many. When I need inspiration for a drawing and to touch some sort of strong emotion I’ll sit and read his poems and it’ll fill me with that energy I need to create.
Ah, my favorite candle. This candle smells like the cool rich scented forests of Oregon on a rainy day. I burn it to remind me of future goals, one of which is to own a farm and chickens deep in the woods where it rains all the time. A girl can dream.