Noah Kagan

Chief Sumo


Photography by Richard Casteel

Serial Entrepreneur / Taco Enthusiast

Noah Kagan is a tech fanatic, ensuing entrepreneur, taco connoisseur, and an all around great guy. After beginning his career at Intel, Noah went on to become the 30th employee at Facebook, 4th employee at, and has gone on to create four different products that have generated more than seven figures. You may have seen Internet articles on how he eventually lost out on $185 million from his shares at Facebook. Noah was able to move on without a flinch and create his  most recent companies AppSumo and SumoMe which focuses on promoting great products and free marketing tools.


You do not see many entrepreneurs who are as driven and straightforward as Noah. He lives by a simple philosophy, “You have to work your ass off, fight for every customer and opportunity that is out there. This takes work, and it’s not sexy. It’s hard work.”  The man has failed and rose again repeatedly only to try again. Every entrepreneur and individual can benefit from what Noah has attained throughout his life. Check out his blog at OkDork if you are interested in learning from a real entrepreneur.

Bill Gates Signed Photo


Growing up my dream in life was to work at Microsoft. I read every book on Bill Gates and for my 17th birthday asked my parents to take me to Redmond, WA so we could visit the MS campus. Around that time I wrote a letter to Bill and got this signed photo back. I ended up getting an internship there when I was 21. Persistence paid off.

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Seymour The Frog


When I was 13 in junior high school my first crush was Audrey. She was the first girl I really liked and she gave me Seymour as a gift on Valentine’s day. I STILL sleep with him every night. I’m not entirely sure why I’ve kept him around all these years but he’s one of first things I’d grab if there was a fire at my place. Seymour would have likely started said fire =)


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Surely You’re Joking Mr Feynman


I keep a collection of all of my favorite books at home. This one is very high up on that list. I never heard of the guy before and once I read his book I was addicted. Feynman was INSANELY smart, ie. he helped create the atomic bomb but at the same time he was so relatable. The biggest takeaway from this story is to stay curious. His appetite for knowledge and understanding of how things work is super inspiring to me.


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100+ Shot Glass Collection


For 15 years anywhere I traveled I collected a shot glass. It was a nice memory of the place and a cool way to show off where I’ve been in the world. About 5 years ago while I was rushing in an airport to get a shot glass I just stopped. I didn’t buy it. It was hard to break that pattern but I realized it is just glass and I can buy it online. That kinda deflates the story but it’s a bit Zen like for saying everything will end and just enjoy what you have.

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Zen Water Drawing Board


My brother got me this as a gift and I believe the tagline is that, “The Art of letting go.” I mostly play with it when people are over and ask what it is. I like it because my brother got it for me which makes me think of him. Kinda like the opposite of a framed photo of him 🙂


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My girlfriend put this up in my place on a whim. At first I thought it was temporary but I find it super comfortable for watching TV or reading. It also adds a nice place people can hang out when they are over.

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DNA Canvas


This is from DNA11. I thought it’d be a great art piece to have in my place and a conversation starter. Hardly anyone ever asks. Instead, every time I look at it I think, “shit I have a GIANT ego.” At the same time it keeps me humble to recognize that’s just myself up there and I think it’s pretty colors on a wall.

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Toddy Coffee Maker


My good buddy Scott Britton bought me this. It is the best tasting coffee maker possible. It’s super simple to use, I like the tradition of making it weekly and the coffee it produces is like nothing else. Buy it. Now!

Buy Now$44.89

Bose Speaker


Anton and Chad at our office recommended this to me. It’s super convenient for playing quality sounding music when I get home and great for outdoor activities like camping. I notice when I put simple things in my periphery I am way more likely to use them vs doing nothing. This has been helpful for listening to podcasts or putting on some Spotify jazz playlist while I’m cooking at home.




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