Rachel Binx

GIF Goddess


Photography by Ben Godwin

Data Scientist for NASA / Designer / Entrepreneur

Where to begin? A data scientist for NASA by day and a entrepreneur of arts and technology by night.


Rachel’s position at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is building statistical visualization instruments for satellites and rovers within the human computer interaction research group. Apart from working on space robots, she built Meshu (map-based jewelry), Monochōme (map-themed accessories), Gifpop (a physical GIF-generator), and TrekNotes (unique travel journals).


At her previous job working as a design technologist, she created realtime data visualizations for clients such as Oprah, MTV, and Facebook. Working alongside another designer and programmer, they came up with the idea of Gifpop, which further supports their love with the internet culture, data visualization, and travel. Rachel currently resides in Los Angeles, Califonia. When she isn’t creating something beautiful or being a NASA brainiac, she is exploring Tumblr.

Mesu Map


This map was a gift from my partner, which took him four months to make! The map shows all of the places that we had traveled to (made on Meshu) and then he cut, stained, and assembled the frame with help from a friend. The coolest part about the frame is that there is a metal backing underneath the poster, so you can stick magnets to it. In this, we’re able to keep the map updated when we travel to new places. This map is the centerpiece of our home, I love it!

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Monochrome Pillows

Each of these pillows represents a place that is important to me, either somewhere that I’ve lived or somewhere that I enjoyed visiting. The pillow are made through my site Monochome, featuring three different map styles that I designed. We’ve been on a monochromatic kick with our living room, so these pillows were the perfect addition!

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Poncho from Timefly/Glitchaus


I found this shop online after reading an article about Glitch fashion. This poncho is definitely a statement piece — so far I’ve only worn it at burning man, but I absolutely love the pattern design.

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Cube Illusion Earrings


I usually wear tiny black stud earrings, but I had to make an exception for these ones! I’m a big fan of geometric designs, and the shiny gold finish is the perfect amount of bling for my outfits.

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Meshu Necklace


This was the first silver necklace that I made through Meshu, and it’s still my favorite. The design is of a solo trip that I took to Costa Rica, right before starting my first job. It was a four-month process from my first interview until starting the job, so at the time I was waiting around in San Francisco and slowly running out of money! I promised myself that if I got the job, that I would take myself on a trip to Costa Rica. So instead of spending all day every day nervously waiting to hear back, I planned my theoretical trip. It all worked out in the end, but this necklace reminds me to be grateful for all of the opportunities that I’ve had in my professional and personal life.

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Backpack from Tessel


I love my backpack from Tessel. I originally found this project on Kickstarter, and fell in love with the geometric ripples in the design. It’s been my primary backpack for 2+ years now, and is the perfect size for a laptop and a few key accessories.

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Vintage New Mexico Cup


This cup is a gift from my mother, who collects vintage glassware and found it in a thrift store. The cup centers on a map of the state, while the sides contain images of tourist destinations like White Sands and Carlsbad Caverns. I grew up in Albuquerque, and this cup reminds me both of my hometown, and many afternoons spent hunting through thrift stores with my mom.

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Craig Damrauer’s New Math Collection Fabric Keyring


I studied Art History in college, which apparently makes people want to fight with you when they don’t like Modern Art! Craig’s Modern Art equation was the most elegant rebuttal I had ever seen to the classic argument, “why is this art special? I could have done this.” The other equation keeps me in check when I worry about getting older or wondering if I missed out on some experience in my youth — I’ve got to respect that ratio of possibility to wisdom!

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Left Turn Notebook


I picked this book up from a design shop in Hongdae, Seoul. Each page is a photograph of either the ocean or the sky, and each page is a different image! I find it so soothing to write in this journal, it’s like looking out the window as you write.

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Slow Factory Scarf


Celina of Slow Factory sent me this custom scarf as a thank-you for an interview that I did with her on Making Care of Business. The scarf contains a double image of the Tokyo subway map, and an illustration of an extinct parrot species. It’s no secret that I am obsessed with parrots and maps, but I was shocked to see how well the two of them combined on this scarf!

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Nuclear Explosion Shot Glasses


Aren’t these wild? I found these in the gift store of the Las Vegas Atomic Testing Museum, after going on the Nevada Test Site. There’s a woman who hand-paints atomic clouds onto shot glasses, and these depict the Turk Event and the Priscilla Event. What fascinates me about these glasses is the juxtaposition of the delicate, almost crafty approach to painting the clouds, with the horrific magnitude of the subject matter.

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This jacket was a gift from a friend who picked it up in Shanghai. I love the cut of this jacket, and the thick wool has kept me warm in my winter travels. It’s a bit heavy for Los Angeles, but you’ve got to suffer for fashion!

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